Get Job Details

Get the detailed information of a data reading job or a data writing job.


There are running or finished data querying or data writing jobs.

Request Format

GET https://{apigw-address}/data-federation/v2.0/channels/read/{channelId}/jobs/{jobId}

Request Parameters (Header)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
Content-Type Mandatory String Content or file type. The default value is application/json.

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID. How to get the orgId>>
channelId Path Mandatory String The channel ID.
jobId Path Mandatory String The data querying or writing job ID.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data List<Object> The job Details. For more information, see Job Information Struct

Job Information Struct

Name Data Type Description
jobId String The job ID.
sqlQuery String The SQL query for getting data from storage systems.
state String The job state.
totalFragments String The total job fragments.
finishedFragments String The finished fragments.
startTime String The time when the job started.
endTime String The time when the job finished.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/data-federation/v2.0/channels/read/{channelId}/jobs/{jobId}?orgId={}

method: GET

Return Sample

     "msg": "OK",
     "code": 0,
     "data": {
         "jobId": "2131ceb9-c00d-d42d-33db-c21002b97d16",
         "totalFragments": 1,
         "sqlQuery": "describe hive.db.test1",
         "fragmentProfile": [
                 "minorFragmentProfile": [
                         "maxMemoryUsed": 6446336,
                         "minorFragmentId": 0,
                         "operatorProfile": [
                                 "waitNanos": 0,
                                 "setupNanos": 0,
                                 "inputProfile": [
                                         "batches": 2,
                                         "records": 8,
                                         "schemas": 1
                                 "processNanos": 1096191,
                                 "peakLocalMemoryAllocated": 2445568,
                                 "operatorType": 30,
                                 "operatorId": 4
                                 "waitNanos": 0,
                                 "setupNanos": 1982782,
                                 "inputProfile": [
                                         "batches": 1,
                                         "records": 8,
                                         "schemas": 1
                                 "processNanos": 267596,
                                 "peakLocalMemoryAllocated": 2441232,
                                 "operatorType": 2,
                                 "operatorId": 3
                                 "waitNanos": 0,
                                 "setupNanos": 54199,
                                 "inputProfile": [
                                         "batches": 1,
                                         "records": 2,
                                         "schemas": 1
                                 "processNanos": 397197,
                                 "peakLocalMemoryAllocated": 426072,
                                 "operatorType": 14,
                                 "operatorId": 2
                                 "waitNanos": 0,
                                 "setupNanos": 4057163,
                                 "inputProfile": [
                                         "batches": 1,
                                         "records": 2,
                                         "schemas": 1
                                 "processNanos": 279497,
                                 "peakLocalMemoryAllocated": 159744,
                                 "operatorType": 10,
                                 "operatorId": 1
                                 "waitNanos": 328497,
                                 "setupNanos": 0,
                                 "metric": [
                                         "metricId": 0,
                                         "longValue": 78
                                 "inputProfile": [
                                         "batches": 1,
                                         "records": 2,
                                         "schemas": 1
                                  "processNanos": 152199,
                                  "peakLocalMemoryAllocated": 159744,
                                  "operatorType": 13,
                                  "operatorId": 0
                         "lastUpdate": 1590571335227,
                         "startTime": 1590571333875,
                         "state": 3,
                         "endTime": 1590571335225,
                         "lastProgress": 1590571335227,
                         "memoryUsed": 0
                 "majorFragmentId": 0
         "startTime": 1590571333699,
         "state": 2,
         "endTime": 1590571335570,
         "type": 1,
         "planEnd": 1590571333795,
         "queueWaitEnd": 1590571333862,
         "user": "anonymous",
         "finishedFragments": 0

Java SDK Sample

import com.envision.apim.poseidon.config.PConfig;
import com.envision.apim.poseidon.core.Poseidon;
import com.envision.apim.poseidon.request.PoseidonRequest;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;

public class Sample {

    private static String accessKey = "AccessKey of your APP";
    private static String secretKey = "SecretKey of your APP";
    private static String orgId = "yourOrgId";
    private static String chId = "yourChannelId";
    private static String jobId = "yourJobId";
    private static String url = "https://{domain_url}";

    private static class Request extends PoseidonRequest {

        public void setQueryParam(String key, Object value) {
            queryEncodeParams().put(key, value);

        public void setMethod(String method) {
            this.method = method;

        public void setBodyParams(String key, Object value) {
            bodyParams().put(key, value);

        private String method;

        public String baseUri() {
            return "";

        public String method() {
            return method;

    public void getJobDetails() {
        Request request = new Request();
        request.setQueryParam("orgId", orgId);
        request.headerParams().put(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");
        try {
            JSONObject response = Poseidon.config(PConfig.init().appKey(accessKey).appSecret(secretKey))
                    .url(url + "/data-federation/v2.0/channels/read/" + chId + "/jobs/" + jobId)
                    .getResponse(request, JSONObject.class);
        } catch (Exception e) {